Ad Details
Ad ID: 2056
Added: October 14, 2023
Sale Price: 6,000 Rwf
Regular Price: 5000 RwF
Condition: Brand New
Location: Rwanda
State: Nyarugenge
Views: 130

AdLife – Period Pain Relief provides targeted, temporary 12 hour pain relief from the aches, discomfort and cramps associated with period pain. Quickly activated, the patch will heat up and its penetrating heat action radiate through to the source of pain – increasing circulation, decreasing stiffness and relaxing sore muscles. Simply open the sachet and apply the adhesive-backed side to the underwear/clothing. Non-medicinal, fragrance-free, and with a thin and discreet design, AdLife – Period Pain Relief provides a convenient way to ease your period pain.
How to Use
– Open the sachet by hand (do not cut with scissors) and remove the heat patch
– Peel away the paper strip and adhere to the outside of the clothing/underwear on the stomach or lower back area
– Do not knead the heat patch
– The heat patch activates on contact with the air and starts to warm up – it reaches optimal heat within approximately 30 minutes
– When removing after use or to reposition the heat patch, please tear it off slowly. Do not pick the heat patch’s surface to avoid the heat patch inner contents from spilling and damaging clothes/skin
– After use dispose with normal household waste.
– Do not incinerate the heat patch
-For external use only
-The heat patch is air-activated. Do not open the sachet until you are ready to use it
-If symptoms persist or worsen, seek medical attention
-Each heat patch is single use
-Use only as directed
-Use by the expiry date indicated
CAUTION: BURN HAZARD: Follow all precautions carefully to prevent skin burns
-Skin burns refers to symptoms of red skin/spots or blisters caused when there is contact between the skin and an object with a higher temperature over a long period of time. Please note that skin burns may occur even if there is no actual burn sensation
-Do not use the heat patch on tights or netted underwear where the skin could be exposed directly to the heat patch
-Check the skin condition over the application area every hour. If any abnormal situation occurs (e.g. a rash develops, itch, pain, burn or etc.), stop using the heat patch immediately and seek medical attention
-Stop using immediately if the heat patch becomes uncomfortably hot. Do not use the heat patch when you cannot remove it immediately
-Do not use the heat patch whilst sleeping
-Do not use the heat patch with another heating device
-Allow air to circulate over the heat patch and do not apply extra pressure for example by lying or sitting on the heat patch or wearing tight clothing over it
-Do not use the heat patch on those unable to remove it by themselves such as infants/children, the elderly and disabled people
-Never use this heat patch on any area of the body other than the stomach and lower back area
-Persons who have rheumatoid arthritis; heart disease; poor circulation; nerve damage; paralysis; sensory impairment; a skin condition; are diabetic or pregnant may be more susceptible to burns and should seek medical advice prior to use
-Do not use the heat patch on children 12 years and under
-Do not use the heat patch over the same area for more than 12 hours in any 24 hour period
-Do not use the heat patch in conjunction with other creams/rubs/lotions/sprays applied to the skin or with/near to other heat sources
-Do not use the heat patch over bruised/inflamed/irritated/broken or swollen skin; over scarred skin; over open wounds; over frostbitten skin; over skin which cannot sense heat or cold sensation
-Do not use the heat patch during exercise
-Do not use the heat patch if you are bedridden or prone to skin ulcers
-Do not bring the heat patch into contact with liquids
-Do not use the heat patch on clothes/underwear which may be easily damaged by the adhesive (e.g. delicate fabrics)
-Do not cut, tear, fold or make holes in the heat patch
-If the heat patches are torn or the heating ingredients come into contact with the body, rinse the affected area with water. If any abnormal situation occurs (e.g. a rash develops, itch, pain, burn or etc.) seek immediate medical attention
-Do not allow the inner heating ingredients to get into the eyes or to be swallowed
-In case of accidental intake of the inner heating ingredients, rinse mouth with water and seek immediate medical attention. In case of contact with eyes, do not rub. Rinse with clean water and seek immediate medical attention
-Do not microwave or attempt to re-heat the heat patch
-Keep out of reach of children and pets
Iron, Activated Carbon, Water
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